Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious issue that affects many people on the roads. When someone chooses to drive while high on marijuana or other substances, they put themselves and others at risk of being in a car accident. For those who have suffered an injury in a crash caused by an impaired driver, speaking with a car accident lawyer can help them understand their rights and options.

Here, we will explore the dangers of driving while high and how it contributes to motor vehicle collisions. It will also discuss the role of car accident attorneys in helping victims seek justice and fair compensation after these preventable crashes.

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The Effects of Marijuana on Driving Ability

Marijuana use can significantly impact a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. When someone smokes or consumes marijuana, the drug affects areas of the brain that control movement, balance, coordination, memory, and judgment. These are all critical skills needed for driving.

One of the main psychoactive compounds in marijuana is THC. This chemical can slow reaction times and make it harder for drivers to respond quickly to unexpected situations on the road. A driver who is high may have trouble staying in their lane, maintaining a consistent speed, or stopping in time to avoid a collision. Their perception of time and distance can become distorted as well.

Prevalence of Drugged Driving

Driving under the influence of marijuana and other drugs has become increasingly common in recent years. As more states have legalized or decriminalized marijuana, there are concerns about more people getting behind the wheel while high. Surveys show that a significant percentage of drivers admit to driving within a few hours of using marijuana.

Law enforcement has reported seeing more cases of drugged driving during traffic stops and at the scenes of accidents. However, it can be challenging to detect and measure drug impairment compared to alcohol. There is no universally accepted roadside test for marijuana intoxication like there is for drunk driving.

Blood tests can detect the presence of THC, but levels don’t always directly correlate with impairment as blood alcohol content does. This can make it more difficult to prove that drugs were a factor in causing a crash. An experienced car accident lawyer understands how to gather evidence to demonstrate drug impairment played a role.

How Marijuana Use Leads to Car Accidents

There are several ways that being high on marijuana can lead to car accidents. Impaired drivers often have delayed reactions and reduced coordination. This means they may not brake in time to avoid rear-ending the car in front of them or swerve quickly enough to avoid an obstacle in the road.

Marijuana use can also cause drivers to lose focus and become distracted more easily. They may drift out of their lane without realizing it or fail to notice important road signs and signals. Some high drivers report experiencing tunnel vision, where their field of view narrows, and they miss things in their peripheral vision.

Judgment and decision-making are negatively affected by marijuana as well. An impaired driver might misjudge the speed and distance of oncoming traffic when trying to make a left turn. Or they think it’s safe to pass on a two-lane road when there isn’t actually enough space. These types of errors in judgment frequently lead to serious collisions.

In some cases, drivers who are very high may even fall asleep at the wheel. The sedating effects of marijuana, especially in high doses, can cause extreme drowsiness and nodding off. Falling asleep for even a few seconds while driving at high speeds can have catastrophic consequences.

Long-Term Health Impact

Comparing Drunk Driving and High Driving

While drunk driving has long been recognized as extremely dangerous, there is sometimes a misconception that driving high is less risky. However, studies have shown that marijuana impairment can be just as hazardous as alcohol behind the wheel.

Both substances negatively impact the skills needed for safe driving. Alcohol tends to increase risky behaviors and impair judgment more, while marijuana has a greater effect on coordination and cognitive function. But ultimately, both substances make drivers much more likely to cause an accident.

One key difference is that alcohol impairment can be easily measured through breathalyzer tests, while marijuana impairment is harder to quantify. There is also typically more social stigma around drunk driving compared to driving high. This can lead some people to mistakenly believe that driving after using marijuana is okay.

A car accident attorney will approach cases involving drunk drivers and high drivers similarly. In both situations, the impaired driver chose to get behind the wheel while in an unsafe condition and should be held responsible for any crashes they cause.

What Are the Legal Consequences of Driving While High?

Driving under the influence of marijuana or other drugs is illegal in all 50 states. The exact laws and penalties vary, but impaired drivers can face serious legal consequences if caught or involved in an accident.

Most states have “per se” drugged driving laws, which make it illegal to drive with any detectable level of prohibited drugs in your system. Some have set specific threshold limits for THC blood concentration. Penalties for a first offense often include fines, license suspension, and possible jail time.

If an impaired driver causes a crash that injures or kills someone, they will likely face much more severe criminal charges. This can include felony charges like vehicular assault or vehicular homicide. A conviction can result in years in prison and other life-changing consequences.

Beyond criminal penalties, impaired drivers who cause accidents open themselves up to civil liability as well. Victims can file lawsuits to seek compensation for their injuries, property damage, lost income, and other damages resulting from the crash. A car accident lawyer can help pursue these claims against the at-fault driver and their insurance company.

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Challenges in Detecting Marijuana Impairment

Unlike alcohol, there is no reliable roadside test to measure marijuana impairment in drivers. This creates challenges for law enforcement in identifying and prosecuting drugged drivers. Blood tests can detect the presence of THC, but there is no universally agreed-upon level that definitively proves impairment.

THC can remain detectable in the blood long after the impairing effects have worn off, sometimes for days or weeks after last use. So, a positive test doesn’t necessarily mean the person was high while driving. On the flip side, someone can be significantly impaired shortly after using marijuana but test below the legal limit.

Some states are exploring the use of oral fluid tests to detect recent marijuana use in drivers. These tests look for active THC in saliva, which correlates more closely with current impairment. However, they are not yet widely implemented or accepted in court.

Police officers rely heavily on field sobriety tests and their own observations to identify drug-impaired drivers. They look for signs like bloodshot eyes, the smell of marijuana, slurred speech, and poor balance or coordination. Specially trained drug recognition experts may be called in to conduct more thorough evaluations.

For victims of accidents caused by high drivers, the lack of a definitive impairment test can sometimes make cases more challenging. A personal injury attorney will work to gather other evidence like witness statements, dashcam footage, or the driver’s own admissions to prove they were under the influence at the time of the crash.

Marijuana’s Effects on Different Types of Drivers

The impairing effects of marijuana can impact all types of drivers, but some groups may be at even higher risk when getting behind the wheel while high. New and inexperienced drivers already have a higher crash risk due to their lack of skills and judgment on the road. Adding marijuana impairment on top of that inexperience is an especially dangerous combination.

Older drivers may also be more susceptible to marijuana’s effects. As people age, their bodies process drugs differently. An amount of marijuana that might only mildly impair a younger driver can have a much stronger effect on an older person. This can lead to a higher risk of accidents among senior drivers who use marijuana.

Commercial drivers, such as those operating large trucks or buses, face stricter regulations regarding drug use. Due to the size and weight of their vehicles, the consequences of a commercial driver causing an accident while high can be particularly severe. A car accident lawyer handling a case involving an impaired commercial driver will consider the additional regulations and higher duty of care these drivers owe to others on the road.

The Role of Car Accident Lawyers in Marijuana-Related Crashes

When someone suffers an injury in an accident caused by a driver who was high on marijuana, a car accident attorney can play a crucial role in helping them seek justice and compensation. These legal professionals have experience dealing with the unique challenges presented by drug-impaired driving cases.

A car accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the crash to gather evidence of the other driver’s impairment. This may involve obtaining police reports, speaking with witnesses, and consulting with experts who can testify about the effects of marijuana on driving ability. They can also help victims navigate the complex process of dealing with insurance companies and filing a lawsuit if necessary.

One important aspect of these cases is determining the full extent of the victim’s damages. A car accident lawyer will work with medical professionals to understand the long-term impacts of the injuries sustained in the crash. They’ll calculate all the costs associated with medical treatment, lost income, pain and suffering, and any future expenses or limitations resulting from the accident.

In some cases, a car accident attorney may be able to pursue punitive damages against a driver who chose to get behind the wheel while high. These additional damages are meant to punish particularly reckless behavior and deter others from making the same dangerous choice.

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The Importance of Seeking Legal Help After a Car Accident

Victims of accidents caused by high drivers should contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after the incident. There are several reasons why prompt legal assistance is valuable in these situations.

First, evidence of marijuana impairment can disappear quickly. A lawyer can take immediate steps to preserve important evidence, such as requesting that blood samples be taken or surveillance footage be secured before it’s deleted or overwritten.

Second, insurance companies often try to settle claims quickly and for as little money as possible. They may pressure victims to accept a low offer before the full extent of their injuries and losses is known. A car accident lawyer can handle all communications with the insurance company and protect their client’s rights.

Third, there are often deadlines for filing legal claims related to car accidents. These statutes of limitations vary by state, but missing the deadline can mean losing the right to seek compensation altogether. A lawyer will be aware of these timelines and make sure all necessary legal actions are taken promptly.

Lastly, navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with the physical and emotional aftermath of a serious accident. A car accident lawyer can handle all the complex legal aspects of the case, allowing the victim to focus on their recovery.

Seek Assistance from a Car Accident Lawyer Today

Driving while high on marijuana significantly increases the risk of being involved in a car accident. The drug impairs many of the skills necessary for safe driving, including reaction time, coordination, judgment, and concentration. As marijuana use becomes more prevalent in some places around the company, it’s important for drivers to understand the dangers of getting behind the wheel while impaired.

For those who have suffered an injury in an accident caused by a high driver, seeking the assistance of a car accident lawyer can be an important step in recovering from the incident. A car accident attorney can prove impairment, deal with insurance companies, and seek fair compensation for your injuries and losses. You do not have to face this overwhelming time alone, call today to seek assistance.

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