Falling asleep at the wheel might seem like an unlikely occurrence, but it is responsible for more car accidents than you might think. Most people take it for granted that they will remain awake while driving, resulting in severe and sometimes deadly crashes.
Unfortunately, since most drivers don't think they will fall asleep while driving, they opt to get behind the wheel while they're fatigued. Driving tired may not seem like a big deal, but the effects of fatigue can be similar to those of intoxication. A "fell asleep while driving accident - Austin", is a more popular search than we'd like it to be.
Driving after being awake for more than 24-hours is tantamount to having a blood alcohol level of 0.10, which is over the legal limit. Fatigue-related crashes can be especially severe due to several unique factors.
Most drivers who fall asleep at the wheel cannot hit the brakes before a collision and often accidentally accelerate, leading to high-speed and high-damage crashes. Given that they may be fully asleep, fatigued drivers are often unable to swerve out of the way of an oncoming vehicle.
Unfortunately, drowsy driving accidents often occur on highways at high speeds because there is little to keep the driver's attention like turns, traffic lights, or stop signs.
Drowsy Driving is Becoming Increasingly Prevalent in Texas
Unfortunately, Texas reports higher rates of drowsy driving than any other state in America. In 2013, the CDC found that 4.2 percent of drivers in the United States had fallen asleep at the wheel within the past 30 days.
In Texas, 6.1 percent admitted to falling asleep at the wheel. A significant issue with drowsy driving offenses is that they are difficult to mitigate. It is harder to pinpoint drowsy driving as the cause of an accident than with drunk or speeding drivers.
For this reason, drowsy driving-related incidents are on the rise. According to the National Sleep Foundation, tired drivers cause 100,000 accidents annually and are linked to an average of 70,000 injuries and 1,500 deaths each year.
Causes of Tired Driving
Aside from the obvious cause of a general lack of sleep, drowsy driving can be caused by:
- Sleep disorders
- Consistent drug or alcohol use, including over the counter or prescription medications
- Driving on rural roads for extended periods or driving unlit rural roads at night
- Driving for too long without taking breaks
- Taking on sole driving responsibilities while on a road trip or long drive
Fatigue is, unfortunately, ingrained in our daily lives, but some people may be more at risk of falling asleep while driving. Truck drivers are at an increased risk of falling asleep at the wheel, and their accidents have some of the most severe consequences.
Other commercial drivers, late-night shift workers, and people with sleep disorders should also be mindful of their wakefulness before operating a vehicle.
Texas Drivers are Pushing the Limit
For whatever reason, Texas drivers are more likely to disregard the signs of fatigue and get behind the wheel. In 2016, over 1 in 5 fatigue-related driving fatalities in the United States occurred in Texas.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, a driver should not be behind the wheel if they:
- Have difficulty focusing
- Have eyelids that feel heavy
- Frequently daydream or disconnect from their surroundings
- Are yawning or rubbing their eyes excessively
- Have trouble keeping their head up
- Begin straying from their lane
Getting behind the wheel while tired might seem minute, but it can carry devastating consequences. If you are exhibiting any of the signs of fatigue, consider pulling over and resting or opting for a taxi ride, if possible.
Proving the blame in a fatigue-related crash is not as black and white as it seems. It is impossible to retain physical evidence that a driver fell asleep, so you'll need ironclad arguments to prove their guilt.
With so little evidence, the guilty party can even try to pin the blame on you. Since proving fatigued driving is slippery, hiring an experienced personal injury attorney to plead your case is the best way to assure you walk away with compensation.
Guilty parties often deny they fell asleep. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to scrutinize the evidence to make a case. A key part of making a case for falling asleep at the wheel is speaking to witnesses.
In Texas, it is illegal for a driver who witnessed a vehicle accident to leave the scene. A personal injury lawyer will consult with people on-site when the accident occurred or even people who engaged with the offender earlier that day.
They can also examine the accident site for key evidence that can help your case. A vehicle crash is often a traumatic experience, and the aftermath can be riddled with pain, anxiety, and panic.
On top of trauma, vehicle accidents can lead to financial strain such as medical bills, job loss, or vehicle repair expenses. A personal injury lawyer can help you receive adequate compensation for your losses.
Frequently Asked Questions: Drowsy Driving Accidents in Austin
Q: How can a personal injury lawyer prove driver fatigue was involved in my accident?
A: An experienced personal injury attorney can gather evidence through surveillance footage, work schedules, cell phone records showing the driver's activity patterns, and witness statements about the at-fault driver's condition before the collision.
Q: What compensation can I seek after a drowsy driving accident?
A: You may be eligible for lost wages, medical expenses, long-term care costs, pain and suffering, and compensation for any permanent disabilities resulting from the collision.
Q: Are there specific times when drowsy driving accidents are more likely to occur?
A: These accidents commonly occur between midnight and 6 AM, or during the mid-afternoon "slump" period. Long shifts workers and commercial drivers are at particular risk during these times.
Q: What legal duties do motorists have regarding fatigue?
A: Drivers have a duty of care to ensure they're alert enough to operate their vehicle safely. Choosing to drive while experiencing obvious signs of fatigue can be considered negligence.
Q: How does slowed reaction time affect drowsy driving crashes?
A: Fatigued drivers typically have significantly impaired reaction time, making it harder to respond to sudden changes in other lanes or unexpected obstacles, leading to more dangerous collisions.
Q: What should I do if I can't remember parts of my drive?
A: Memory gaps while driving are a serious warning sign of dangerous fatigue. Pull over immediately and either rest or find alternative transportation.
Q: Are there any unique dangers for nighttime drowsy driving?
A: Reduced visibility combined with fatigue creates additional risks, as drivers must rely more heavily on their reaction time and judgment, which are both impaired by drowsiness.
Q: How can I protect my legal rights after a drowsy driving accident?
A: Document everything, including your injuries and pain levels, gather contact information from witnesses, and seek immediate medical attention. Consider consulting a personal injury lawyer for a free consultation.