The sudden screech of tires, the sickening crunch of metal, and then… silence. In an instant, your world has been turned upside down. If you’ve suffered injuries or lost a loved one due to a distracted driver’s negligence, you know all too well the devastating impact these accidents can have. The pain, the confusion, the anger – it’s all overwhelming. But you’re not alone, and you deserve justice.

What are the most common types of distractions while driving? It’s a question that might haunt you as you lie awake at night, replaying the accident over and over in your mind. Understanding these distractions won’t undo what happened, but it can help you make sense of the senseless and potentially prevent future tragedies.

If you’re struggling in the aftermath of a distracted driving accident, know that there are people who can help. A car accident attorney near you can offer a free consultation, guiding you through the complex legal process and fighting for the compensation you deserve. You don’t have to face this alone.

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Brief Overview of Distracted Driving

Eating While Driving

Distracted driving occurs when a driver engages in any activity that diverts their attention from the primary task of operating a vehicle. It’s not just about taking your eyes off the road — it’s anything that takes your mind away from the complex task of driving safely.

The Importance of Addressing the Issue

The consequences of distracted driving are far-reaching and often tragic. The aftermath can forever alter the lives of individuals and families and cause others in the community to suffer. By understanding and addressing this issue, we can work together to make our roads safer for everyone.

Distracted Driving Accident Statistics for Austin and Texas

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has implemented a “Talk. Text. Crash.” campaign to raise awareness about distracted driving and make roads safer for all. According to TxDOT:

  • One in six traffic crashes occurred because of distracted driving in a recent year.
  • 2,793 people suffered serious injuries and 399 people died in distracted driving accidents throughout Texas.

The City of Austin lists distracted driving as one of the “key four driver behaviors” that result in serious accidents. In a recent year, 408 crashes occurred in the city that resulted in serious injuries or death. Nearly 72% of those injuries and fatalities resulted from one, or a combination of, the “top contributing behaviors,” which are distracted driving, speeding, failure to yield, and impaired driving.

Visual Distractions

When we think of distracted driving, visual distractions often come to mind first. These are the distractions that literally take our eyes off the road, even if just for a few seconds.

Using Smartphones (texting, social media, etc.)

Most of us have seen a driver with their head down, fiddling with their phone. People may think that reading a text or sending a quick message is no big deal. However, in the five seconds it takes to read a text message, a car traveling at 55 mph covers the length of a football field. Composing and sending a text takes even longer.

The allure of staying connected is strong, but the consequences can be devastating. That notification chime might seem urgent, but nothing is more important than the lives at stake on the road.

Looking at GPS or Navigation Systems

Modern technology has made getting lost almost obsolete, but at what cost? Adjusting a GPS or constantly glancing at navigation instructions can be just as dangerous as texting. Even built-in systems can pull a driver’s focus away from the road at critical moments.

Rubbernecking at Accidents or Roadside Events

It’s human nature to be curious about what’s going on around us. However, slowing down to gawk at an accident scene or roadside distraction can create dangerous traffic patterns and lead to secondary accidents. The irony of causing an accident while looking at another one is a bitter pill to swallow.

Manual Distractions

Manual distractions involve a driver taking their hands off the wheel. People often think they can multitask while driving. The reality is that these activities significantly impair a driver’s ability to react quickly to changing road conditions.

Eating or Drinking

Sometimes people run late. They may grab breakfast on the go or try to sip their morning coffee without spilling. Some people may have to eat lunch while driving, too. Whatever the reason, eating and drinking behind the wheel isn’t just messy – it’s dangerous. From unwrapping food to dealing with spills, these activities take a driver’s hands and attention away from driving.

Adjusting Radio or Climate Controls

Reaching over to change the radio station or crank up the AC may not seem like a big deal. However, anything can happen in the few seconds it takes to do it. Modern touchscreen interfaces in cars, while sleek, often require even more attention to operate safely.

Reaching for Objects in the Vehicle

Whether it’s grabbing something from the back seat, picking up a fallen item, or searching through a purse or wallet, reaching for objects while driving is a common but risky behavior. It combines visual, manual, and cognitive distractions, creating a perfect storm for accidents.

Cognitive Distractions

Perhaps the most insidious type of distraction, cognitive distractions occur when a driver’s mind isn’t focused on driving. While a driver may seem alert with their hands on the wheel, they could be deep in thought about something else other than driving.

Daydreaming or Being Lost in Thought

Many people have experienced that moment of “autopilot” while driving, suddenly realizing they don’t remember the last few miles. While occasional mind-wandering is normal, prolonged daydreaming or being preoccupied with worries or plans can be just as dangerous as any other distraction.

Talking on the Phone (even hands-free)

Many people believe that hands-free phone conversations are safe, but studies have shown that the cognitive distraction of a phone conversation significantly impairs driving ability. Drivers are too busy processing the conversation rather than fully engaged with the task of driving.

Engaging in Intense Conversations with Passengers

Lively debates, emotional discussions, or even just engaging storytelling with passengers can pull a driver’s mental focus away from the road. While companionship during drives can be pleasant, drivers need to maintain a balance and prioritize safe driving.

Other Notable Distractions

Beyond the main categories, several other common distractions deserve attention. These might seem minor, but they can have major consequences.

  • Grooming (applying makeup, shaving, etc.): The morning rush often leads to multitasking, with some drivers using their commute as extra time to finish getting ready. Applying makeup, shaving, or other grooming activities combine visual, manual, and cognitive distractions, creating a highly dangerous situation.
  • Attending to Children or Pets in the Vehicle: Parents and pet owners know that their little ones can be demanding, especially during car rides. Turning to comfort a crying child or control an excited dog takes attention away from the road and can lead to tragic consequences.
  • Reading (books, maps, work documents): In our fast-paced world, it’s tempting to try and squeeze in some extra reading time during a commute or while stuck in traffic. Whether it’s a novel, a map, or work documents, reading while driving is a major distraction that puts everyone on the road at risk.

Legal Implications of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving can lead to serious legal consequences, both criminal and civil.

State-Specific Laws on Distracted Driving

Most states have enacted laws against distracted driving. For example, Texas made texting while driving illegal in 2017. The law prohibits motorists from reading, writing, or sending electronic messages while driving. Violations can result in a fine of up to $99 for first-time offenders and up to $200 for repeat offenders.

Beyond the fines for texting and driving, distracted drivers can face other serious consequences:

  • If property damage or injury results from distracted driving, the penalties can increase significantly.
  • Drivers with learner’s permits are prohibited from using handheld cell phones in the first six months of driving.
  • Drivers under 18 are prohibited from using wireless communications devices.
  • School bus operators are prohibited from using cell phones while driving if children are present.

Liability in Distracted Driving Accidents

If a distracted driver causes a crash, they may be liable for any resulting damages and injuries. If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a distracted driving crash, you need a skilled car accident attorney to help gather evidence and build a strong compensation claim for you. Your lawyer can gather evidence of distraction, such as cell phone records or eyewitness accounts, to support your claim. By advocating for you and tenaciously pursuing the best possible outcome, your lawyer can help you recover compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, both current and future
  • Rehabilitation and therapy costs
  • Lost income
  • Emotional distress
  • Property damage
  • Long-term care or disability

If you lost a close family member in a distracted driving accident, an attorney can help you recover damages such as funeral costs and more through a wrongful death claim.

The types and amounts of compensation you could receive depend entirely on your case. You must contact a car accident lawyer right away for a full case evaluation and advice on your best course of action.

Prevention and Safety Tips

While we can’t control the actions of other drivers, we can take steps to reduce distractions in our own vehicles and promote safer driving habits.

Using Do-Not-Disturb Features on Smartphones

Macro shot of switching smartphone to do not disturb mode

Most modern smartphones have built-in “Do Not Disturb While Driving” features that can automatically silence notifications when the phone detects you’re in a moving vehicle. Take advantage of these tools to remove the temptation of checking your phone while driving.

Proper Trip Planning and Vehicle Setup Before Driving

Take a few moments before starting your journey to:

  • Set up your GPS and review the route
  • Adjust your seats, mirrors, and climate controls
  • Select your music or podcast
  • Secure any loose items in the vehicle

These simple steps can significantly reduce the need for adjustments while driving.

Educating Drivers About the Dangers of Multitasking

Spread awareness about the risks of distracted driving among your family, friends, and community. Share stories, statistics, and resources. Remember, education is a powerful tool in preventing future tragedies.

Contact an Experienced Texas Car Accident Lawyer Today

You have the right to seek compensation and justice following a distracted driving crash that hurt you or an immediate family member. Due to the complexities of personal injury cases, particularly those involving distracted driving, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the process, protect your rights, and fight for the maximum compensation you need.

The personal injury firm of Lorenz & Lorenz, PLLC understands the pain and confusion you’re experiencing. Our team of personal injury lawyers is committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve. We know Texas traffic laws and have a proven track record of successfully representing victims of distracted driving accidents.

When you choose Lorenz & Lorenz, PLLC, you’re not just getting legal representation – you’re gaining a passionate advocate who will stand by your side throughout the entire process. We offer:

  • Free initial consultations to discuss your case
  • Contingency fee policy, meaning you don’t pay attorney fees unless we get compensation for you
  • Personalized attention and regular updates on your case progress
  • A thorough investigation of your accident to build a strong case
  • Skilled negotiation with insurance companies to maximize your compensation
  • Readiness to take your case to trial if the insurance company won’t offer a fair settlement

Don’t let the negligence of a distracted driver cause you and your family to suffer any longer. Don’t let insurance companies take advantage of you, and don’t wait to get the legal help you need. The sooner you reach out to us, the sooner we can start building your case.

Contact Lorenz & Lorenz, PLLC now for a free consultation. Let us help you navigate this difficult time and increase your chances of getting the most from your Texas car accident claim.